
ICOS can be run locally, on a traditional web server through a reverse proxy, or deployed on the IC.

Deploy on a local web server

Serve the built files using npm:

$ npm run serve

ICOS will now be running on http://localhost:7777

Deploy on the Internet Computer


This guide will not cover installing and setting up the Dfinity SDK. Ensure you have created an identity and are using a wallet with sufficient cycles. Find more information on the Dfinity Developer Portal.

First, exit your working directory and create a new one where we will store the canister assets and configuration:

$ cd ../
$ mkdir icos-canister
$ cd !$

Copy the built assets from the ICOS directory:

$ cp -rv ../icos-beta/dist ./assets

Create a dfx configuration file with your text editor of choice:

$ vim dfx.json

Example configuration:

 "canisters": {
  "icos-beta": {
   "type": "assets",
   "source": ["assets"]

Deploy your canister on the IC:

$ dfx deploy --network ic

Find your canister ID:

$ dfx canister --network ic id icos-beta

Congratulations! Your brand new ICOS canister should be available at https://[canister-id]